Successfully connecting people and jobs

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What others say about us


Extremely pleasant cooperation with the friendly team Profesio. They really justified their name - fast and professional service without a lot of papers. They have a large base of potential employees.

Goran Butorac
FLINK d.o.o.

We can highly recommend Profesio in every way. Both for companies that have staffing needs and for candidates who want to change their careers. With its committed and qualified employees and a good network, Profesio d.o.o. able to always meet the respective requirements.

Konrad Smiatek

For Profesio we can say that they are a reliable and highly professional partner in finding employees which suit our company. They have an individual approach, open communication and quickly adapt to our needs and desires. We are happy to cooperate with them even in the most demanding searches.

Mr. Sc. Vlatka Dajčić
Head of the Human Resources Department
