Recruiter (Filipino)

Company Overview: PROFESIO Agency has emerged as a leading agency for recruitment and employment of record services in Croatia. As part of our commitment to innovation and global excellence, we have recently initiated a pioneering global mobility solution hiring foreign employees from Philippines and India.

Position: Recruiter (Filipino)

Location: Zagreb, Croatia

Position Overview: We are seeking an accomplished Filipino Recruiter to join our team. You will assume a pivotal role in the acquisition of foreign talent for Croatia, with a specific emphasis on attracting skilled Filipino candidates.


  • Collaborate closely with the global mobility coordinator to comprehensively understand the client’s staffing needs and requirements.
  • Source, screen, and conduct initial interviews with potential candidates, ensuring the cultivation of a high-quality talent pool.
  • Foster and nurture robust relationships with candidates, delivering a positive and enriching candidate experience.
  • Conduct thorough market research to remain abreast of industry trends and salary benchmarks in both the Croatian and Philippine employment landscapes.
  • Oversee and orchestrate the entire recruitment lifecycle, from initial job posting to seamless onboarding processes.


  • Proven track record in recruitment, with a distinct focus on the recruitment of Filipino nationals.
  • Highly desirable: Prior work experience in employment agencies in Croatia.
  • In-depth understanding of the Philippine job market and cultural intricacies relevant to recruitment.
  • Outstanding communication and interpersonal skills, reflecting a commitment to professionalism.
  • Strong organizational prowess and adept multitasking abilities.
  • Familiarity with Croatian employment laws and regulations.

If you aspire to contribute to the success of a globally renowned company and possess the qualifications outlined above, we strongly encourage you to apply. To be considered for this exciting opportunity, please submit your comprehensive CV in English to:

Kategorija: Ostali poslovi
Vrsta zaposlenja: Puno radno vrijeme
Lokacija zaposlenja: Hrvatska

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Poslednje dodati poslovi

Administrativni asistent (m/ž)

Za našeg klijenta, GENESIS BIOPHARMA ADRIATIC d.o.o. biofarmaceutsku tvrtku specijaliziranu za komercijalizaciju inovativnih farmaceutskih proizvoda za teške i rijetke bolesti

Projektant elektroinstalacija (m/ž)

Za našeg klijenta, hrvatsku podružnicu austrijske grupacije LSG group, specijaliziranu za integriranu tehniku u zgradarstvu, tehničku infrastrukturu i obnovljive energije,

Pomoćni računovođa (m/ž)

Za našeg klijenta Interzero d.o.o. jednu od vodećih tvrtki za usluge zaštite okoliša i otpadom na području Republike Hrvatske. Tvrtka